
117/78, or “117 over 78,” is the blood pressure of someone who has a systolic pressure of 117 and a diastolic pressure of 78, also known as “117 over 78.” A high blood pressure level increases your risk of having a heart attack or having a brain stroke. The normal range for your blood pressure is less than 140/90. (“140 over 90”). Generally speaking, the lower your blood pressure is, the better it is.

As a result, is 116 over 80 considered to be normal blood pressure?

As you can see from the blood pressure chart, only one of the numbers has to be higher or lower than it should be in order to be classified as either high blood pressure or low blood pressure: As you can see from the blood pressure chart, only one of the numbers has to be higher or lower than it should be in order to be classified as either high blood pressure or low blood pressure: If you have more than 90 points over 60 (90/60) and fewer than 120 points over 80 (120/80), you have: Your blood pressure is within normal range and is considered healthy.

Is 131 82 a normal blood pressure reading?

 Blood pressure that is considered normal is less than 120/80 mmHg. In the top number, prehypertension is defined as blood pressure between 120 and 139, while the bottom number is defined as blood pressure between 80 and 8For example, blood pressure values of 138/82, 128/89, and 130/86 are all considered to be in the prehypertension category.

Also, what is considered normal blood pressure for a person of a certain age?

Up to the age of 80, the American College of Cardiology suggests keeping blood pressure below 140/90, while the American Heart Association says blood pressure should be kept below 140/90 until roughly the age of 75, at which time Dr. Aziz recommends that blood pressure be kept below 140/90.

Is a diastolic pressure of 82 too high?

Blood pressure that is considered normal is less than 120/80 mm Hg. Minimal increases in diastolic blood pressure (less than 95 mm Hg) do not, by themselves, constitute a substantial danger to one’s health. However, this is supposing that you are generally in excellent health and that you do not have any extra variables that put you at risk for cardiovascular disease.

There were 36 related questions and answers found.

Which of the two blood pressure readings is more important?

Doctors now understand that high systolic blood pressure is just as dangerous as high diastolic blood pressure — and that it is significantly more dangerous in persons over the age of 50. For a lengthy period of time, having high systolic blood pressure might raise your chance of developing serious cardiovascular issues, such as a heart attack or a stroke.

Is 117 80 a normal blood pressure reading?

117/78, or “117 over 78,” is the blood pressure of someone who has a systolic pressure of 117 and a diastolic pressure of 78, sometimes known as “117 over 78.” Generally speaking, the lower your blood pressure is, the better it is. As long as you are not experiencing any discomfort, a blood pressure level of less than 90/60 is considered acceptable.

Is it possible for worry to create high blood pressure?

Anxiety does not create high blood pressure over a lengthy period of time (hypertension). However, anxiety attacks may result in substantial, transitory increases in your blood pressure levels.

Is a blood pressure of 115 over 80 considered normal?

According to conventional wisdom, an optimal blood pressure is about 120/80mmHg (read 120 over 80), although many professionals feel that 115/75mmHg (115 over 75) is a more acceptable reading.

Is 117 over 70 considered to be normal blood pressure?

117/78, or “117 over 78,” is the blood pressure of someone who has a systolic pressure of 117 and a diastolic pressure of 78, sometimes known as “117 over 78.” Generally speaking, the lower your blood pressure is, the better it is. As long as you are not experiencing any discomfort, a blood pressure level of less than 90/60 is considered acceptable.

What is a normal blood pressure reading?

A blood pressure reading contains two numbers: the top number (systolic) and the bottom number (diastolic) (diastolic). Blood pressure that is considered normal is less than 120 over 80 (120/80). People who have high blood pressure that is above the normal range should consult with their doctor about ways to reduce it.

What is considered high blood pressure at the risk of stroke?

A hypertensive crisis is characterised by a significant rise in blood pressure that may result in a stroke. When your blood pressure is really high — for example, if your top number (systolic pressure) is 180 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg or more) or your bottom number (diastolic pressure) is 120 mm Hg or higher — it might damage your blood vessels.

What should the blood pressure be for a 45-year-old?

Calculated Normal Blood Pressure for Each Age Group in Table 5.1 Age Systolic Range in a Healthy Individual Diastolic Range in a Healthy Individual Children between the ages of 6 and 13 are considered older children. Pressures ranging between 80 and 120 mm Hg the range of 45 to 80 millimetres of mercury Youth (aged 14–18 years): Pressures ranging from 90 to 120 millimetres Hg Pressure ranges between 50 and 80 millimetres of mercury. 19–40 years old (Adult) The pressure ranges from 95 to 135 millimetres of mercury. Pressures between 60 and 80 millimetres of mercury (41) to 60 years of age: an adult Pressures in the range of 110 to 145 mm Hg Pressures between 70 and 90 millimetres of mercury

According to your age, what is a healthy resting heart rate?

Normal resting heart rates for individuals 18 and older range between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm), depending on the person’s physical condition and age. According to the American Heart Association, a typical resting heart rate for children between the ages of 6 and 15 is between 70 and 100 beats per minute (bps).

A decent pulse rate, in your opinion?

Individuals over the age of 10 years, including older adults, should have a resting heart rate between 60 and 100 beats per minute on most days (bpm). Athletes that are highly trained may have a resting heart rate that is less than 60 beats per minute, and in some cases as low as 40 beats per minute. Within this typical range, the resting heart rate might fluctuate.

When is the maximum level of blood pressure seen throughout the course of the day?

At night, while you are sleeping, your blood pressure is often lower. A few hours before you wake up, your blood pressure begins to increase. Throughout the day, your blood pressure continues to climb, reaching a high about 3 p.m. most of the time. Afterwards, your blood pressure starts to fall again in the late afternoon and early evenings.

In what ways are the four worst blood pressure medications different?

They point out that these drugs include: thiazide diuretics (chlorthalidone, chlorothiazide), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors), and calcium channel blockers (calcium channel antagonists) (benazepril, zofenopril, lisinopril, and many others) Amlodipine and diltiazem are examples of calcium channel blockers, as well as angiotensin II receptor antagonists (losartan, valsartan)

What is the best way to get around taking my blood pressure?

Methods for lowering your blood pressure in the short term before your DOT physical examination Ensure that you consume enough of fluids. Drinking enough water is vital for good health on a daily basis. You should stay away from caffeinated beverages and alcoholic beverages. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as beet juice, to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Consume foods high in potassium. Make an effort to meditate. Attempt to snooze.

What does 112 over 78 mean for your blood pressure?

For example, 112/78 mm Hg is a two-digit blood pressure reading. During a heartbeat, the top number represents the pressure that exists. Blood pressure that is considered normal is less than 120/80 mmHg. Adults who have increased blood pressure are defined as having a systolic pressure between 120 and 129 and a diastolic pressure less than 80.
