Jimmy Rave, known officially as James Michael Guffey, was an American professional wrestler who competed in Ring of Honour and Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Jimmy Rave made his wrestling debut in October 1999, and he retired in November 2020.

Jimmy Rave was born in Atlanta, Georgia and he has a weight and height of 95 kg and 6 ft respectively. Jimmy Rave is a one-time CZW Iron Man Championship champion, a one-time FIP Tag Team Championship, and a two-time GCW Heavyweight Championship.

Jimmy Rave Cause Of Death

Jimmy Rave was born on December 8, 1982, and he died on December 12, 2021, at the age of 39 years. According to reports, although the cause of the death of Jimmy Rave has not been revealed, people are tagging his death to complications as a result of his amputations.

Moreover, it has been revealed that Jimmy Rave suffered drug addictions for a while before his demise.
